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Application for Work Activity
Application for Work Activity form to be sent to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for approval or denial on any work requests for homeowners property. Burgoyne Forest West Home Owners Association Architectural Review Committee (ARC) PO Box 2488 Springfield, VA 22152

Lot Number:*
Telephone Number:*
Type of Home:*
Date Work is Scheduled to Begin:*
Date of Anticipated Completion:*
Describe in detail the work to be performed. Include type and color of siding, windows or doors:*
Blueprints, brouchures or legible drawings must accompany, be attached, or be sent to the ARC at the PO Box, in order to be considered for approval.:
All structures require a Fairfax County building permit and must be inspected by Fairfax County Government upon completion.:*
Contractor/Company Name:*
Contractor/Company Address:*
Contractor/Company Telephone:*
To prevent automated SPAM, please enter EN8 to submit your form (case sensitive):*

* indicates required field

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